香港动植物公园再多一猴子死亡 累计 9 死 另有一猴子食慾异常︱Yahoo

无敌椰子 新闻 2024-10-28 893 0


【Yahoo新闻报道】香港动植物公园昨日有 8 只不同种类猴子死亡,港府今日(14 日)公布,早上再多一只白面僧面猴今早离世,累计 9 死,另外有一只白臀长尾猴活动反应及食慾有异于寻常,园方已随即移离原居的笼舍以便加强观察。

港府指,公园内的哺乳类动物区已于今早起暂时关闭,以便紧密监察动物情况,而事涉的笼舍已完成全面消毒及清洁的工作。目前园内共 80 只动物健康情况正常。为审慎起见,有关员工会穿着合适的保护装备工作,并会密切留意自身的身体状况,现时有关人员健康正常。

康文署早前表示,死亡的猴子包括 1 只白臀长尾猴、1 只松鼠猴、3 只棉顶狨猴,及 3 只白面僧面猴,渔农自然护理署将安排验解剖化验,以了解死因。公园内哺乳类动物区範围目前用胶带围封,仍见猴子等哺乳类动物在笼内。

One white-faced saki new born (behind, left) at the Hong Kong Zoological and Botanical Gardens. Six endangered primates - two black and white ruffed lemurs, three ring-tailed lemurs and one white-faced saki - have been born at the Hong Kong Zoological and Botanical Gardens in the past few months. It is the first time that black and white ruffed lemurs have been successfully bred in Hong Kong. The two black and white ruffed lemurs were born on 27 April, 06. Three ring-tailed lemurs (triplets) were born on 1 March, 06. The white-faced saki was born in January and is a female.  28 August 2006 (Photo by Robert Ng/South China Morning Post via Getty Images)白面僧面猴 (Photo by Robert Ng/South China Morning Post via Getty Images)其他人也在看


